The sign to the left is very clear. The sign is also inaccurate, as jurors are permitted to bring cell phones, tablets and laptops into the courthouse.
The story behind the sign is that the electronics exclusion policy was instituted for people other than jurors as the devices are unwanted in the courtrooms. Jurors spend large amounts of time in the Jury Pool room, so sensibly they are permitted to have devices, whether used to keep up with work or just spend time on social media.
So why doesn’t the sign make this clear. The rest of the story is that the State agency that establishes policies for signs limits signs such as these to a certain number of characters. There was no room for “Jurors Excluded” on the signs. Fortunately for jurors the front line people at the courthouse bend over backwards to make it clear the signs do not apply to them. Maybe these front line people should be making sign policy rather than the sign policy experts in the Statehouse.