The Last Planner System Weekly Work Plan is often mistaken for an accountability tool. Stop it!
The Weekly Work Plan serves two important purposes that have nothing to do with accountability. First, it documents the promises team members make to each other regarding handoffs from one operation to another, and provides a mechanism for reviewing and adjusting work as necessary throughout the week. Second, it is a learning document helping the team understand from plan failures where and how they need to improve their system of planning and executing work.
There is an opportunity many last planners miss when preparing their weekly plans. Instead of focusing only on handoffs, say promising to finish installing lights in specific rooms Monday through Wednesday, focus on what will be accomplished each day. By doing so you have just multiplied your opportunity to learn how long the work you plan will really take, and what factors may increase variation in workflow and pacing. Over the course of months and years you will know much more about your work than if you only focused on handoffs.
As Steve Spear writes, “Simply put, today’s leading organizations outrace their competition by outlearning them.” The Weekly Work Plan provides an important opportunity to accelerate learning and improve your performance. Use it.