There is one resolution you can make today that will make a dramatic difference in your life one year from now. At the end of every day, perform a quick Plus Delta evaluation of the day. Two minutes will be enough time.
Many people are familiar with conducting Plus Delta evaluations at the end of meetings. People participating in the meeting will call out Pluses – practices and behaviors that contributed to the value of the meeting – and Deltas – practices and behaviors that need to change, be added, or deleted to enhance the value of the meeting. Ideally someone commits to follow through and enact one or more Deltas before or during the next meeting.
Try doing the same practice with your day – each day. What went well today? What would you have liked to do differently to make it a better day? From your answers to those questions determine what action you will take tomorrow that will add to the quality of your life. Think about whether there might be a change to daily, weekly or monthly routines you want to test.
Thinking about your Deltas as tests is important. Some may not work out. Others might make a bigger difference than you imagined. Making these daily adjustments, spending a couple of minutes of time each day, may take you someplace wonderful by the end of 2018 – one step at a time.